วันพุธที่ 25 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Thinning Hair Remedy For Women

There are many questions about hair, thinning hair than you are added to repair. And 'again, but controversial, information on what can be avoided in order to reverse hair loss. The author claims that sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), a toothpaste ingredient in many personal care products from shampoo. SLS is present in over 95% of all commercial shampoos and its primary function is to remove the fat.

It is found in large quantities in garage floor cleaners and engine. This may seem outrageous now, but should be clarified that the amount of SLS in industrial solvents significantly higher than the shampoo. It 'widely accepted that the elimination of SLS shampoo is the cure thinning hair. Some believers are as removing shampoo use away completely. Studies have shown that prolonged exposure of SLS on the skin does not actually damage the hair follicles, but the theory to avoid SLS as a remedy thinning hair is weak as some shampoos almost immediately rinsed from the skin and hair.

There are arguments to the contrary, the gap will always remain. While claims are disputed, it is clear that SLS is in no way good for you. Shampoo is anywhere from 10-20% of the contents of this chemical, which is not innocent. It 's definitely a good idea to rinse thoroughly after use and go with a mantra of less is more. As with any chemical, some people are really sensitive to SLS, and could solve some truth in the theory of its exclusion as thinning hair.

It is quite possible that if hair loss occurs, SLS guilt. Recent studies have found toothpaste with SLS at the University of Oslo in Norway, in a period of three months, who avoided the chemical in toothpaste, a 70% reduction in ulcers and gum irritation reported. There are some studies that have been closed down harmful chemicals such as SLS in toothpaste. Studies on the prevention of SLS in shampoo as a hair thinner medicines are not yet conclusive.

Those that can be performed on animals were carried out and the solutions were different from shampoo we use is concentrated, and left in a much longer time. But the results indicate negative effects associated with exposure. Because of the recent campaign on SLS, several manufacturers have come with SLS free shampoos, conditioners, soaps and toothpaste. While they are more expensive but are also completely natural and have collected a large customer base with the faithful of the assumptions SLS.

Those who have passed the point with your new choice of hair products that comes out at least a couple of months. Like most funds, your body needs time to adapt to change and show concrete results. Support for the Elimination of SLS reply as thinning hair is strong and growing. Users report a thick, vibrant hair, and even a reduction in the shed. The best thing about this theory is that, even if it sounds incredible, looking absolutely no risk, and there is nothing to lose.

Hair loss in women can be a difficult thing to deal with. If you're experiencing hair loss or have questions, the best thing to do is to keep yourself informed and learn as much as possible at RestorationOfHair.com, where you'll find lots of free resources on dealing with women's hair loss.

